Hello & attention to all smarter hiphop readers!
first off I want to thank you for reading with us! This blog started off as idea and was fed with junk content just to make the idea visual & to keep new visitors coming. we now have the time & money to deliver the truth & Good content as of 4/1/13. we will be deleteing any stories or content that we feel is not truthful or just not suitable for our new Improved Smarter Hip Hop so if some of your favourite stories or post is deleted this is why. we created this blog to fight untruthful content around the globe! we will be determined to bring you the truth that's hard to find on the web! Have you notice every story that's easy to find on the web seem to be a lie and the information you find truthful is hard to find or stumbled on if you fell like we do feel free to join us here we accept all stories & reasonable post. send all info to smarterhiphop@Gmail.com or info@smarterhiphop.com