Web Toolbar by Wibiya Smarter Hiphop: why is my laptop backlight look so dem? maybe it your dirty screen !!!!

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Monday, March 7, 2011

why is my laptop backlight look so dem? maybe it your dirty screen !!!!

where you just at your friend house and your where on his computer and notice how bright his screen was compared to yours or his screen had so much dust that it looked like dirt in crusted into screen either way it goes you should go buy some of this cleaning solution for yourself and a ass a gift for  friend !!

         clean your screen!!
got a dirty screen dont worry 3m Anistatic Cleaning Solution is here click here to order yours today!!!

This works great!! if you bought this please comment!http://gan.doubleclick.net/gan_click?lid=41000000029472406&pid=CL681&adurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.compuplus.com%2F3M-TOUCH-S-Gel-ScreenMonitor-1106476.html&usg=AFHzDLtIQPEDE04NSqn7bZyLhBZaD57teg&pubid=21000000000344706